Does Uncut Ham Need To Be Cooked?

does uncured ham need to be cooked
does uncured ham need to be cooked

While it was difficult to get and prepare in the past, ham is now so widely available that you can easily find it at stores. What’s more, is that it’s usually already cured and even cooked for you to easily prepare and munch down on! But, that might not always be the case. That’s because stores also sell uncured ham along with cured versions, as some people prefer that. There are a few major differences between the two, which is why there are also differences in the way they’re prepared.

With that mentioned, lots of people ask whether or not does uncured ham need to be cooked, unlike its cured counterpart. If you’re asking a similar question and need some quick answers, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll be discussing the topic in full detail today, including an answer to the main question at hand. So, keep reading to learn more about uncured ham, along with more info on does it need to be cooked or not.

What is Uncured Ham?

It’s always important to know what something is before you can start preparing it in the kitchen. That’s especially the case in this situation, as most people aren’t entirely familiar with what uncured ham is. Most people look at the name and immediately think that it’s a type of ham that hasn’t been cured. But, you’ll be surprised to learn that’s not the case. Uncured ham isn’t really uncured, which can be confusing to learn about.

The reason why it’s called uncured is that it doesn’t follow the same process as ham normally marketed as “cured”. The latter uses all kinds of different chemicals to preserve itself for longer, developing a more artificial taste. On the other hand, uncured ham follows a much more natural process of curation. In this process, real salts and acids are used to get rid of the water inside the ham and cure it.

So, there are not many differences between the two products. One is simply cured using chemicals and artificial products to make it last longer. The other is cured naturally, which results in an arguably better taste. But, the downside is that it doesn’t remain preserved for as long. With these differences between the two kept in mind, let’s get to answering the main question at hand.

Does Uncured Ham Need To Be Cooked?

In most cases, the answer to this popular question is no. Uncured ham doesn’t need to be cooked. As mentioned, the only major difference between the cured and cured versions is the curation process itself. Since cured ham doesn’t need to be cooked, the uncured variation usually doesn’t have to be either. But, the keyword in this answer is the word “usually”, as it’s a bit more complicated than that.

The answer is more than a simple yes or no. That’s because there are still some uncured hams out there that might actually need to be cooked. You don’t have to worry about finding how to tell when that’s the case though. Depending on which brand you buy the uncured ham from, the packaging will almost definitely tell you if it needs to be cooked or not. If there is no label, that means there’s no need for you to cook it. But, if there’s a label specifically telling you to cook it, then that’s a whole other story.

Just make sure to keep an eye out for this logo. In most cases, you’ll be able to find it at the top of the front side. Otherwise, it might be written near the ingredients and nutritional facts section around the backside. It’s always important to read labels before buying a product, and that’s very much the case with uncured ham. You can choose either the products that do need to be cooked or the ones that don’t depend on whether or not you want to go through that extra bit of trouble.


In this article, we’ve covered the answer to whether or not uncured ham needs to be cooked. Make sure to use the information to prepare food for yourself safely and avoid getting into any kitchen mishaps.