3 Causes For Cloudy Water After A Filter Change

cloudy water after filter change
cloudy water after filter change

We all know that tap water is not considered the optimal choice for cooking or drinking, and unless there is no other choice, it should be avoided at all costs. That is why you have filters to make sure the water you are consuming is fit for human health and contains no such impurities that could have advert effects on the health.

Yet, these filters also need timely maintenance since they have to deal a lot, and over time their filtration abilities can be reduced too.

The water filter needs to be cleaned up, and you will need to change the filter too. That is something you cannot possibly ignore, or delay if you are using a filter at your place for the water.

However, if you have just changed the filter, and your water appears to be cloudy after that, that could make you concerned a bit. That is why, if you are having cloudy water after a filter change, here are a few factors that can cause it, and how you can have it fixed up.

Cloudy Water After Filter Change

1. Trapped Air

The most common reason for you to be having the cloudiness in your filtered water is some trapped air inside the filter housing and that could be causing your water to turn out cloudy. The best part is that these clouds will go after a few minutes and you don’t have to do much anything about it. Also, if you are getting cloudy water from your filter after a filter change due to some air trapped in the housing, it will automatically go away in a few weeks.

The air bubbles can be trapped inside the housing while the filter is being replaced and cause you to have this issue. To figure out, if there is some air trapped in the housing, you only need to fill up a glass of water and let it sit still. If you see there are some air bubbles rising from the bottom of your glass, that means there is some air trapped in the filter housing and it is likely to go away on its own.

2. Extra Carbon

Carbon is used in the filters to ensure that it can absorb all the impurities and you get clean and pure water that is fit for human consumption. However, with a fresh filter exchange, you might be getting excessive carbon and it can also be turning the water cloudy.

To check if the extra carbon is causing your filtered water to be cloudy, you will need to observe the water in a glass for a few minutes. If you are observing some black particles in it, that means there is excessive carbon in the water. To clear it out, you will need to turn on the water for 10 minutes, to flush out all the carbon particles that might be in there. With that, you will be able to get clear water without any carbon particles or clouds in it at all and have the best experience.

3. Check with your filter company

If you have checked on both of the above reasons, and you are unable to find any trapped air inside the filter or there is no carbon coming out either, that could be causing you to have the cloudy water, there is not much that you can diagnose on your own. There might be some chlorine, or any other salts or there can be a number of other reasons that could be turning your filtered water to be cloudy after a filter replacement.

That is why, your filtration company will be efficiently able to diagnose all the different reasons that could cause you to face this issue with your water filter. Not only they will be able to figure out the exact reason that is causing you to be facing this problem, but they are also going to help you to have all such issues fixed up properly.

Is it safe?

If you are getting cloudy water due to some trapped air or excessive carbons, it should be safe for you to consume such water and after proper flushing out, the problem will be gone as well. But, if you are unable to figure out a reason, and you are also getting some strong aroma out of the water, it is better to have it checked.