Churro vs Funnel Cake – Similar or Different?

churro vs funnel cake
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churro vs funnel cake

Desserts are loved by people who have a knack for sweet recipes and there is a variety of classic desserts out there. While cheesecake is considered the new popular dessert, churro vs. funnel cake is an important comparison because these two are the oldest and most consumed desserts out there. Since they have a similar appearance, they are confused with each other, which is why you must understand the differences between these two desserts!

Churro vs. Funnel Cake


Churro is basically fried dough that’s popular in Portuguese and Spanish cuisine. However, they are also made in the Philippines and Latin American cuisines. In fact, with immigration from Portugal and Spain, the churros have become popular in France and Southwestern US as well. When it comes down to the Spanish variety, churros can be thin, thick, or long, and are often known as jeringos and porras in some Spanish regions.

Usually, churros are consumed for breakfast and are filled with café con leche, dulce de leche, hot chocolate, or champurrado. In addition, cinnamon sugar is used for dusting or sprinkling. Portugal has similar desserts, including fartura and porra, which are filled with jelly rather than dairy fillings. The churros are fried to achieve a crunchy texture and are sprinkled with sugar as well. In particular, churrera is used for piping out churro batter, which results in a rigid surface.

Churros usually have a prism shape and can be twisted, straight, or curled. It is usually sold by the street vendors and is fried on the spot to serve hot. However, they are also available in cafes during breakfast time and as a snack throughout the day. The churros are made from a batter that’s a combination of salt, water, and flour but some versions also use potato dough. Keep in mind that churros aren’t always vegan as they have eggs, butter, or milk.

There is an extensive variety of churros available and the Seville variety is the most popular, which is known for the thicker version – these churros are fried in the spiral form and are cut down into portions. The center part of the spiral churros is softer and thicker. For the most part, churros have a smoother surface, which increases their pliability. In fact, Colombian churros are also available, which are sprinkled with sugar and filled with condensed milk.

Funnel Cake

Funnel cake is a popular dessert in North America and is widely available in amusement parks as well as carnivals. These cakes are made by pouring the batter that’s made from all-purpose flour, baking powder, powdered sugar, and butter. The batter is poured into the cooking oil for frying and is poured in a circular pattern. The funnel cake batter is fried until it achieves a golden-brown color. A funnel is used for pouring the batter, which results in a specific texture.

In some cases, a pitcher with a funnel spout is also used to pour the batter. The funnel cakes are served in plain form but you can use powdered sugar, fresh fruits, chocolate, jam, cinnamon, and jelly as toppings as well. It is extremely easy to make and you need minimal ingredients to make the batter. As far as frying is concerned, you need to ensure that the oil has a higher smoke point to make sure the funnel cake has a pleasant flavor.

For frying purposes, you can opt for canola oil, peanut oil, or vegetable oil. In fact, you use a candy thermometer to determine the oil’s temperature. For the batter, all-purpose flour or cake flour is used but don’t use bread flour because it dries up the cake’s texture. In addition, the funnel cake must be cooled down before you sprinkle sugar on the top to make sure it doesn’t absorb the sugar.

Keep in mind that you’ve to be particular about the quantity of flour you use because excessive flour can result in thick batter, which makes it hard to pour. It is recommended to use a Dutch oven for frying the funnel cake because the cast iron material helps regulate the oil’s temperature, resulting in evenly fried funnel cake. For the most part, it has a crispy and thin texture and you can top it with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, strawberry sauce, fruits, ice cream, or sprinkles.

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