Can You Use Marinara Sauce For Pizza?

can you use marinara sauce for pizza
can you use marinara sauce for pizza

Pizza is something that almost everyone on this earth loves to eat. But, do you also love to experiment with your Pizza as much as you love to have it.

If you ask for my opinions, then you must try something new with your Pizza. When we talk about something new, then why do you not try Marinara sauce instead of Pizza sauce. In this article, we will let you know about Marinara sauce as a possible substitute for pizza sauce.

What is Marinara sauce?

Grab some tomatoes, a few garlic cloves, onions, and some herbs of your choice. Please put all of them into a pan and cook until you start to smell a smell of cooked tomatoes. It is the simplest way to cook Marinara sauce. 

If you want to make some changes to it, add a dash of wine, some olives, and capers. It tastes so good that not only in Pizza, some chefs use this sauce in place of pasta sauce, and the chain continues. 

Difference Between Marinara sauce and Pizza Sauce

The most common difference is related to the similarity of both the sauces. Marinara sauce is made while adding some particular ingredients to a tomato sauce. While pizza sauce can be any regular tomato sauce used to spread on the base of Pizza. 

Secondly, the taste of Marinara sauce differs from a regular tomato sauce due to the inclusion of wine dash in it. Moreover, both the sauces’ density is different as the Marinara sauce is a bit less dense than the pizza sauce. Here, pizza sauce is better than the Marinara sauce as a thin sauce may ruin your Pizza’s crust. So, if you want to use Marinara sauce over Pizza, then keep it thicker. 

The next thing that makes the difference is the versatility of Marinara sauce; it can be used on pizza, pasta, and many other dishes while, on the other hand, pizza sauce will look weird on other dishes save the Pizza.

Can You Use Marinara Sauce For Pizza?

It’ll not be a great idea to use Marinara sauce every time while making Pizza. But, I will not stop you from doing it if you love Marinara sauce more than the pizza sauce. We use the Marinara sauce in place of pizza sauce to create a bit change to your ordinary Pizza. Other than it, you can also use Marinara sauce when you run out of Pizza sauce.


Concluding the fact, it is entirely alright to use Marinara sauce in place of pizza sauce on Pizza. It is as good as a pizza sauce, and in some aspects, it is way better than ordinary pizza sauce. So, why are you waiting for now? Complete the article and start preparing Marinara sauce to make a uniquely delicious pizza. Furthermore, if you have any queries, we are waiting to respond to you in the comment section.

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