Can A Meat Thermometer Be Used for Oil? (Quick Guide)

can a meat thermometer be used for oil
Can A Meat Thermometer Be Used for Oil?

If you are new to cooking. Then you should have already realized that the hobby is not as easy as it sounds. While cooking can be hard at first, you should keep in mind that this gets easier over time. 

Talking about this, meat is among one of the main ingredients that are also the foundation for most recipes. When it comes to cooking it, you have to ensure that it is not left raw or overcooked. This can be quite difficult at first which is why there are tons of equipment that can be used to make it easier. Meat thermometers are one of the cheapest as well as easiest to use devices. Not only are they commonly used, but these are also available quite easily in the market. 

Can A Meat Thermometer Be Used for Oil?

The main reason why people use thermometers is so that they can perfectly cook meat. Inserting the device inside your cut should allow you to keep reading over its temperature. Once the temperature reaches a specific value, the user knows that their meat is cooked. You can then take it out and it should be completely cooked from inside.

Keeping this in mind, some people wonder if their meat thermometer can be used for other things as well. One common question that people ask is if their meat thermometer can be used for oil. The answer for this is “yes”, this is because most of these devices are made in such a way that they can withstand high temperatures.

When cooking meat, the temperature on your pans goes way above what your oil will be at. This is why you should not have much trouble when trying to check the temperature of your oil. However, you should keep in mind that it is still better that you refrain from this. Make sure that you get a separate thermometer for checking oil as it is quite cheap. Meanwhile, you can continue using your current meat thermometer for checking the oil.

There are certain other things that you will also have to keep in mind when using the thermometer. Specifically, if you are checking oil, you should note that only certain thermometers are able to keep up with oil’s high temperature. If you are using an ordinary thermometer, you might end up breaking the thermometer. 

The Bottom Line:

In case you were wondering whether you can use a meat thermometer for oil, then yes, there shouldn’t be any problem using the thermometer for the purpose. Furthermore, these thermometers can be used for most applications in the kitchen. As meat is often cooked at very high temperatures, meat thermometers in particular are designed in order to withstand heat emitted by oil. As a result, you can safely use all such thermometers for checking the temperature of the oil.