3 Common Buffalo Rice Cooker Problems With Solutions

buffalo rice cooker problems
buffalo rice cooker problems

Buffalo is among some of the most affordable brands out there that are manufacturing these rice cookers and other kitchen appliances with great durability, endurance and performance as well.

These rice cookers are the best thing that you can possibly get for your kitchen to make the experience with cooking those rice dishes a lot easier and you will be enjoying the right texture and flavor on the rice along with the cooking speeds that you will be able to achieve on these.

The Buffalo rice cookers are not that sleek or aesthetically good as you can get some other competitors out there in the market, but they are the best bang for your bucks and you will be getting the right affordability and performance all at the same place.

There are not many major problems that you will have to face on these Buffalo rice cookers either, but a few common problems that you might encounter and the best solutions to them are:

Buffalo Rice Cooker Problems

1) Body Heating Up

One of the common problems that are reported for the Buffalo rice cookers is that the body can get overheated during the cooking and you will not be able to touch the body with bare hands. This is something that shouldn’t be happening and the rice cookers are pretty safe to use, but at times you might have to encounter these problems. A few things to do if you are facing this problem are:


To start the troubleshooting, you will have to ensure that there is no water leaking out, or that you are not letting the water touch the external body of the rice cooker while pouring it inside the inner portion. The water can cause short circuit at certain times and that will cause you to face these overheating problems with the external body as well at times.

Then, you will need to make sure that the seal on the lid is properly placed and that the heat is not being escaped at any point on the lid that might be causing your body to raise the temperature and making it hard for you to touch the external body of your Buffalo rice cooker. Once you get that sorted out, you will not have to face this problem at all.

If there is no such issue with the water, or the rubber seal on the lid, there might be some internal malfunction and you will have to get it checked for them as well.

2) LED not turning on

At times, you might have to face another problem on the Buffalo smart rice cooker and the LED might not turn on. You will be able to hear all the beeps and the rice cooker will work without the light on your LED. A few things to take care of for such situations are:


At times it is caused due to some minor bug or error and it should not be that hard for you to resolve. You need to plug out the rice cooker from the electric socket and let it sit for a few minutes. That is certainly going to help you out perfectly and you will not have to deal with any such problems afterwards. It is optimal that you keep the rice cooker plugged out when not in use to avoid any inconveniences like that in the future as well.

If that is not sorting out the issue for you, you will need to get the rice cooker checked as the bulbs for your LED screen might have gone and they will easily be replaced by Buffalo technicians.

3) Lid stuck

Another common problem that you might have to face on the Buffalo rice cookers is that the lid might get stuck at certain times, and here is how you can fix it.


This problem is caused when you are having the difference between internal and external pressure on the rice cooker. The best way to sort this out is to use the pressure release valve that will slowly release the pressure inside the rice cooker for you. However, if the valve is stuck, you can pour some cold water on the lid carefully and that will help you open the lid without any problems at all.