Breville Smart Oven Air Steam Coming Out (3 Quick Fixes)

breville smart oven air steam coming out
Breville Smart Oven Air Steam Coming Out

While it is true that a Breville smart oven brings a ton of utility to your setup, it can be pretty difficult for most users to justify the inflated price of these units. There are a ton of other options in the market that provide a much better value within a more affordable range. So, if you don’t mind missing out on a few features offered by Breville smart oven, it is a good idea to look towards cheaper options. 

With that said, many users have come forward with issues regarding air steam coming out of their Breville smart ovens. If you’re in a similar situation, then the following solutions should help. 

Breville Smart Oven Air Steam Coming Out

  1. Remove Moisture 

Even though many people believe this to be an issue, it is perfectly normal for steam to escape from your oven, depending upon the type of food you’re cooking. Most of the time, food items with a lot of moisture create this situation, and the moisture escapes in the form of steam. There is no need to concern yourself with this issue as the steam won’t damage your oven in any way. 

However, if you still wish to get around this situation, then you can do so by removing the excess moisture from the food items beforehand. So, all you need to do is dehydrate the food items and bring the moisture within a manageable range. That should get everything working again, and you won’t have to concern yourself with steam issues. 

  1. Fix Cracks & Paint

If the steam is leaking from other sections in your oven, then there is a good chance that the paint is cracked somewhere on your oven. In this situation, you need to narrow down on the issue by isolating the damaged paint job. 

To get around this issue, you’ll have to fix the cracks in the paint and other sections. That way, the steam will be directed towards the oven door, and it won’t escape from other parts of the oven. As long as the steam is coming from the oven door, there is no need to worry about the device. So, all you need to focus on is fixing the cracks in the paint job. 

  1. Call Support

If you’re unable to narrow down on the issue and the steam is coming from the back sections of your oven, then you should call an expert. There is a good chance that you’re dealing with damaged components, and an expert will help you narrow down the issue. 

If you have a valid warranty, then call your dealer immediately. Forward a warranty claim and have your dealer fix this issue for you. That way, you won’t have to set aside any money for replacement components, and the warranty should cover this issue. On the other hand, if you’re not sitting on a valid warranty then you can seek help from customer support regarding this problem. These experts will save you a lot of time, and you’ll be able to fix the problem in no time.