Artichoke Bottoms vs Artichoke Hearts: What’s The Difference?

artichoke bottoms vs hearts
artichoke bottoms vs hearts

Being a vegetarian is an amazing thing, especially if you like artichoke. This is because artichoke is known to be a delicious vegetable but only a few culinary experts can make this veggie (it’s a hard-to-cook vegetable). That being said, one has to do some labor to get to the edible parts, such as artichoke bottoms vs. hearts. If you don’t know about this veggie or the edible parts that we just mentioned, we are sharing the information with you!


Before we move to the hearts and bottoms, it is important to learn about this vegetable first. To begin with, this vegetable is pretty complicated to cook. This is because the external leaves tend to have thorns on the tips while the leaves’ base is edible. In addition, the internal leaves are exceptionally tender which makes them suitable for eating. Now, let’s check out the bottoms and hearts!

Artichoke Bottoms vs Artichoke Hearts

Artichoke Hearts

To begin with, artichoke hearts are known to be the meatiest part of this vegetable and are edible (of course). The hearts tend to have an earthy flavor but some people also experience the herby notes. The heart is a softer part of artichokes and the flavor will be much more intense as compared to other edible parts of artichoke. It’s safe to say that artichoke hearts are the most prized.

For the most part, the hearts are available separately (it’s a huge pain to take our hearts from artichokes on your own). The heart is generally protected by choke, which is the fuzzy layer. For reaching the heart, you have to scoop out the choke (you can use your regular spoon for this purpose). Generally, artichokes and their hearts are used in Mediterranean dishes and are widely available during the spring season.

The artichoke hearts are available in the market in fresh as well as jarred form. It is needless to say that heart is the most delicious part of artichokes while being edible. Some people also consume the choke but only if it’s taken from the baby artichokes. Also, while you are scraping off the stems and leaves, let us tell you that the inner parts of the stems taste just like artichoke hearts.

The hearts can be dipped in butter or sauce for eating and some people eat them with vinaigrette. For the most part, the heart has a tender and sweet flavor. To illustrate, the hearts have a buttery texture. Also, the artichoke hearts can be found in jarred forms. The jarred forms are available in olive oil & spices as well as with water. Personally, we suggest that you choose the oil version because it has healthier fats.

Artichoke Bottoms

We have sung the praises for artichoke hearts (they truly deserve it) but it’s time to talk about equally delicious artichoke bottoms. To illustrate, the artichoke is a tall plant that is often associated with the thistle plant. As we have already mentioned, artichokes have the pointed and tough green leave that are gathered and packed around the bottom.

The artichoke bottom has gray or green color and tends to have a fleshy texture. The artichoke bottoms are suitable for eating. To illustrate, the bottoms have an amazing flavor and a tender texture (yes, the texture is similar to hearts). The artichoke hearts can be consumed as snacks and appetizers. However, it makes a great side for steaks and goes well in salads.

While you are preparing the artichoke bottoms, you have to trim off the leaves (the process is known and turning). If you prefer salads, artichoke bottoms can be mixed up with mushrooms, walnuts, and asparagus tips to make a delicious salad. Also, you need to ensure that there must be no dark green color on the bottom if you want to consume it.

The artichoke bottoms can be cooked by putting them in water with a bit of olive oil (the addition of olive oil will prevent darkening). The best thing about bottoms is that they can be used as garnishing for different recipes. Also, it makes an apt addition to the recipe’s presentation. For the most part, it makes a great option for holding mushrooms, peas, truffles, and string beans.