5 Common Ambiano Egg Cooker Problems

ambiano egg cooker problems
ambiano egg cooker problems

Ambiano is a new kitchen appliance brand but they have some amazing egg cookers available. The egg cooker is designed to deliver quick egg boiling but the Ambiano egg cooker problems can hinder the performance of the unit. To help you out, we are sharing the problems as well as solutions. Are you ready to dive into the details?

Ambiano Egg Cooker Problems

1) The Power Light Doesn’t Switch On

When it comes down to the power light not switching on, you need to check the power cord, power socket, and the power button on the unit. The first step is to look at the power cord and ensure that it is properly connected to the egg cooker and is properly plugged into the power outlet. You can also check the continuity of the cord through a multimeter. Irrespective of internal or external damages, you must replace the power cord.

Secondly, you’ve to check the power socket and see if it’s operational. This is because the power surges and fluctuations can damage the power socket and will impact the functionality. So, you should call the electrician and ask him to fix the power socket. In the meantime, you can use a different power socket to ensure the power light switches on. Lastly, don’t forget to press the power button to switch on the egg cooker and lighting up the power light.

2) Undercooked Or Overcooked Eggs

When we are talking about the Ambiano egg cookers, they are designed to boil medium-sized eggs. That being said, if you add smaller eggs, they will be overcooked and larger eggs will be undercooked. For this reason, whenever you are buying eggs, always opt for medium-size eggs to ensure they are boiled/cooked consistently.

Moreover, people generally use fresh eggs in the egg cooker but it’s not the right choice as it results in inconsistently cooked eggs. For this reason, you can refrigerate the eggs and use chilled eggs in the Ambiano egg cooker. In addition to using the cool and medium-sized eggs, you have to choose the correct cooking time. The cooking time is different for however you want the eggs to turn out.

For instance, the cooking time will be less for soft-boiled eggs and more for hard-boiled and medium-boiled eggs. You can consult the egg cooker manual to determine the correct cooking time according to desired egg consistently. Last but not least, always add water according to how many eggs you are going to cook in the egg cooker.

3) Mineral Deposits Are Building Up

When the mineral deposits start building up in the egg cooker, it means that you are using tap water (the tap water has various bad minerals that tend to build up). For this reason, you must stop using tap water with the egg cooker and the development of mineral deposits will be prevented. Not to forget, distilled water reduces the chances of mineral deposit development.

In case you’ve to clean the mineral deposits, you must use white vinegar. Some people use distilled vinegar, but you can choose and use any vinegar that’s available. The simple solution is to pour white vinegar into the egg cooker and it will dissolve the mineral deposits. As a result, you can throw off the dissolved mineral deposits, wipe the unit with warm water and soap (it removes the vinegar smell), and wipe everything dry. The bonus point is that vinegar works great as an anti-bacterial agent, so you won’t have to worry about the bacteria.

4) Eggshells Are Discolored

When it comes down to discolored eggshells, they are majorly caused by the mineral deposits that are built up in the egg cooker. The ultimate option is to clean the mineral deposits with white vinegar and wipe the rack and unit clean (make sure the unit is properly dried up). As far as the discoloration is concerned, you can be assured that it won’t be harmful to the eggs, so just peel the eggs and eat them (yes, they are completely safe to consume).

5) Brown Stains

The brown stains generally appear on the heating plate of Ambiano egg cooker. You don’t need to worry about it as it’s caused by residues after using the egg cooker. You can use the dish rag or paper towel to clean the stains. If dish rags or paper towels don’t work, simply use the white vinegar and you will be able to remove the brown stains!