Amana Refrigerator Freezer Not Freezing (3 Efficient Fixes!)

amana refrigerator freezer not freezing
amana refrigerator freezer not freezing

The Amana refrigerator is one of the most reliable units that you can purchase for your home. Users across the nation are fond of the exceptional features and performance this unit brings to their homes. This brand maintains a high reputation in the market, and if you’re looking for home appliances, Amana should be your first option. 

With that said, even the most robust machines can run into a few basic issues. There have been a few reports regarding Amana refrigerator freezer not freezing. If you’re in a similar situation with your Amana refrigerator, the following methods should help you overcome this problem. 

Amana Refrigerator Freezer Not Freezing

1. Replace Start Relay

This issue is one of the leading reasons why you’re running into issues with the freezer in your refrigerator. A faulty start relay can create many problems in the unit and should be replaced if it is defective. You can verify the integrity of this component by using a multimeter and checking for continuity. If you don’t get the desired results from the multimeter, then now might be time to install a new starter relay. 

Luckily, the start relay is quite affordable, and you won’t have to go out of budget while trying to install a new start relay on your refrigerator. However, the procedure can be somewhat complex, so make sure to seek help from an experienced friend or hire a professional. That way, you can avoid a lot of headaches, and your device will be fixed immediately.

2. Check Door Seals

If the bottom section of your fridge is working perfectly and you’re only struggling with the freezer, then you need to check the door seals on your unit. Depending upon the model you own, there is a good chance you’re running into this issue because of defective seals. So, you will need to inspect the rubber along the length of the freezer door to identify the problem. 

If the rubber seal is deformed or missing from one section, then you will have to install a new door seal on your refrigerator. You can also try to use a heat gun and put the rubber seal back in its place. Hopefully, the freezer will start working when you fix the door seals.

3. Call Customer Support

Many issues like defective evaporator coils and motor can also lead to your freezer not working. So, if the methods mentioned above don’t seem to work out for you, you need to seek help from a professional. You can’t try any viable troubleshooting method until you isolate the problem.

Use the Amana company number to call customer support and explain the situation to them. They will help you connect with a professional that will make it easier for you to identify the defective components. After the defective component has been identified, just replace that unit, and your freezer will start working perfectly. On the other hand, if you have a valid warranty, then there is no need to fix the fridge yourself. Just forward a warranty claim and ask the dealer to take care of this problem.