6 Steps To Reset The Amana Refrigerator Defrost Timer

amana defrost timer reset
amana defrost timer reset

Imagine waking after to have cold water or to enjoy some frozen yogurt only to find out that the refrigerator was not keeping your food cold. Truth be told, it’s a real inconvenience and often sounds like a different problem to solve. However, there are multiple ways of resolving the issue and Amana defrosts timer reset is one of them. In the article below, you can check out the instructions to reset the defrost timer to optimize the cooling performance.

Amana Refrigerator Defrost Timer Reset

To begin with, identifying the problem and figuring out the solution is quite overwhelming. Similarly, it takes time and effort to assess the performance of defrost timer but the instructions from the below-mentioned section can help!

Identify The Signals

First of all, you have to search through the refrigerator to see what’s not functioning optimally. There are multiple signs that show why you need to reset the defrost time. The primary sign is opening the fridge and noticing that the Amana refrigerator has stopped cooling. In addition to this, you can also open the freezer door and see if the freezer has become too warm.

The defrost timer is designed to shift between the defrost mode and fan mode. Most importantly, it means that the regular switching by the defrost timer will help circulate the air within your Amana refrigerator and makes sure there is no excessive cooling. In addition, the defrost timer directs the energy on switching on the defrost mode for around thirty minutes and then fan mode for ten minutes.

Having said that, if you see the signs of malfunctioned defrost timer, now is the time to reset it. Make sure that you test the Amana refrigerator before you go ahead with the resetting. So, if you are certain that reset is the only solution, follow the below-mentioned instructions;

  1. First of all, look for the defrost timer on your fridge and it is likely to be located on the control panel
  2. Cut the power connection to your Amana refrigerator and remove the defrost timer. In addition to unscrewing the defrost timer, you must remove the connected wires as well
  3. Test the defrost timer with a multimeter and direct energy to the motor to ensure it’s working optimally
  4. If the motor is operating fine, reset the timer. You need to reconnect the defrost timer and reinstall the power supply
  5. Once the defrost timer is installed, look for the circular notch and turn it in the counterclockwise direction (you will need a flathead screwdriver)
  6. Keep turning the notch until the fan has stopped as it’s the sign that the defrost timer has been reset

After a few seconds or minutes, the fan will kick in again and the refrigerator will start operating normally. In addition, we are sure that the cooling will be optimized. On the other hand, if you are doubtful about the entire resetting process, remember that you can always call Amana customer support. The best thing about calling official customer support is that it’s more effective and you might even score free repair if your refrigerator is in warranty.