5 Common Insignia Rice Cooker Problems

insignia rice cooker problems
insignia rice cooker problems

Here are a few questions you might ask yourself when your Insignia rice cooker starts causing a little trouble.

Insignia Rice Cooker Problems

1) Why is my food getting burned?

Using the rice cooker is very easy but if you are not familiar with the right technique you can still mess up. Cooking rice requires a lot of hard work but you can make things easier with the automatic rice cooker, which is specifically designed to help you cook rice.

If the rice is getting burned, make sure you’re following the accurate recipe. The water to rice ratio must be exactly measured. The recommended water to rice ratio is 1:2 which should not exceed.

Some users use the rice cooker to steam vegetables and cook other recipes too. If recipes other than rice are getting burned, check the settings. Avoid overcooking or adding too much food inside the rice cooker. Cooking in smaller batches is easier and helps you avoid any kitchen disasters.

2) Why is the steam leaking out?

The rice inside the rice cooker gets cooked using the steam that is generated on the inside. If the steam leaks out, the pressure will no longer stay maintained on the inside. As a result, rice will not cook properly and you’ll have to cook them all over again.

The temperature on the inside is higher as compared to the outside. When the steam is exposed to an outlet it leaks into the atmosphere. To ensure that the steam stays inside, seal the pressure cooker properly. Next, check if the rubber gasket is in working condition. At times, simply changing the gasket solves the problem.

3) Did the thermal fuse cut off?

The automatic rice cooker comes with inbuilt sensors and temperature monitors. The rice cookers have pre-set settings and timers which instruct the rice cooker when to shut off. Although it’s very rare, but at times, the temperature exceeds the required settings and the rice cooker heats up.

To avoid any hazard, the thermal fuse cuts the circuit and switches off the rice cooker. The thermal fuse acts as a safety mechanism to protect the rice cooker.

At times when the thermal fuse blows off, you have to replace it with a new one. Make sure you’re using the same fuse in place of the burned one.

Are you wondering how to be sure if the thermal fuse blew off? Well, to confirm, you’ll have to open the rice cooker and access it. If you’re not well equipped to do that on your own, seek professional help from a qualified electrician.

Otherwise, you can always call the official helpline. Getting in touch with the official company is a good idea to get your Insignia rice cooker fixed.

4) Is the lid getting stuck?

At times the rice cooker lid starts getting stuck. You may find yourself struggling with locking and unlocking the rice cooker. The rice cooker lid needs to be properly placed on the top and sealed in position. Some rice cooker comes with a safety lock, this prevents the cooker from operating if the lid is not sealed in place.

Changing the rubber gasket can help fix the seal properly. While closing the lid, make sure the safety indicator on the lid comes in line with the safety indicator on the rice cooker.

Unlocking the rice cooker can get tricky at times. To avoid burning your hands, make sure you’re wearing kitchen gloves. If you’re not sure about the exact technique, wait for the rice cooker to cool down before you open it.

If the rice cooker gets locked in the clockwise direction, you’ll have to unlock it by moving it in the anticlockwise direction or vice versa. This technique is effective for manually handled rice cookers. In the case of automatically advanced rice cookers like Insignia, you won’t have to struggle a lot.

5) What does the C5 error display mean?

There’s nothing to worry about if you’re seeing the C5 error on the display screen. There are two main reasons why you get the C5 error, either when the rice cooker is not sealed properly or when you’ve turned it on without adding anything inside. Make sure you’re not making these mistakes.