4 Common Chefman Egg Cooker Problems With Solutions

chefman egg cooker problems
chefman egg cooker problems

Egg cookers are known to be the blockbuster kitchen appliances since it helps promise cook the eggs to perfection. To be honest, people who love eggs would do anything to get the desired outcome but some Chefman egg cooker problems can negatively influence the outcome.

These problems can impact how the eggs turn out but you can always rely on us to help you out. So, check out the common issues and fix them!

Chefman Egg Cooker Problems

1) Dark Ring Around the Yolk

To begin with, people complain about the dark ring around the yolk when they boil the eggs (hard-boil, and particular). To be honest, it doesn’t happen when you follow the correct cooking time and cooking function, so what went wrong? According to the culinary experts, the users must refrigerate the eggs before boiling them to ensure they come out fine.


In addition to this, when the eggs are boiled, you should chill them because it stops the development of a dark ring around the yolk. Also, it’s important to understand that refrigerating the eggs will take time to chill the eggs, so you can simply take a bowl full of cold water and submerge the boiled eggs in it. As a result, the eggs will be chilled and the cooking process will stop immediately.

Last but not least, if you are worried about the taste of yolk, keep in mind that the dark ring around the yolk won’t impact the flavor and it will be safe to consume (the dark ring is not harmful).

2) Unable To Peel Eggs

If you used the Chefman egg cooker to boil the eggs but are unable to peel the eggs, it might be because you use the fresh eggs. Keep in mind that if the eggs are fresher than one week, you will have a hard time peeling the shell off.


So, the best practice is to keep the eggs in the fridge for one week before you boil them. That being said, when you use slightly older eggs, the shell will peel off quickly.

On the other hand, peeling the eggshell can be challenging even when you hard boil the eggs. In that case, simply roll the boiled eggs on the countertop and apply gentle pressure to crack the shell. Rolling the eggs on the countertop will loosen up the shell and it will be easier to remove it. Moreover, you can also dip the boiled eggs in cold water for a few minutes and peel from the bigger side of the egg. As a result, peeling the egg will be extremely easy.

3) Electric Shocks

It is obvious that Chefman egg cooker is an electronic appliance but electric shocks are dangerous even if they are minor. There are multiple reasons behind the electrical shocks, such as water or moisture in the unit and the heating plate.


The users have to clean the heating plate of the egg cooker with a paper towel. You must remove all the moisture to ensure there are no electrical shocks.

In addition to moisture, electric shocks can occur due to a damaged cord. That’s to say because if you touch the exposed parts of the power cord while it’s plugged into the power outlet, it can result in electric shocks. So, you must plug out the cable and inspect the cable for exposed parts. If the cable is damaged, replace it with a new one to ensure there are no electrical shocks.

4) Mineral Deposits Inside the Unit

The mineral deposits in the egg cooker look pretty bad and excessive buildup can even result in bad performance or uneven cooking (it impacts the heating performance). For this reason, it is crucial that you clean the egg cooker regularly to ensure the mineral deposits don’t build up. The best way of cleaning the mineral deposit is using vinegar and water.


Some people only use white vinegar because it’s strong enough to clear off the mineral deposits that are left from the water. Moreover, vinegar works great as an antibacterial agent. Last but not least, people often overlook the heating plate while cleaning the unit. So, you must wipe the egg cooker’s heating plate with a damp cloth. After cleaning with a damp cloth, also use a dry cloth to remove moisture!