Lawry’s vs House Of Prime Rib: Which One Is Better?

lawry's vs house of prime rib
lawry’s vs house of prime rib

Those who love food and live in some specific cities inside the US, or even some outside of it, are surely familiar with House of Prime Rib and/or Lawry’s. Both of them are popular among steak lovers and are regarded as some of the best options out there.

There are a lot of people who love eating at both or at least one of these restaurants and visit frequently, which is understandable given just how popular they are. But what this popularity also brings is a sense of rivalry between the two.

Even if this rivalry isn’t one officially there between the two franchises, it certainly is between the people who like one of them more than the other. If you’re looking to find out which franchise between these two is the better one, there is a lot to learn about.

Luckily, that’s exactly what we’re here to do today. Continue reading more below to learn about all the important things to know, along with more information on specific aspects and how one brand is better than the other in said aspects.

House of Prime Rib vs Lawry’s


The very first difference to take into account is also one that you’ll also have to take into account before you’ve even arrived at the doorstep of the restaurant.

This of course refers to how pricey both of the options are compared to one another, and just how much of a blow they’ll be dealing to a customer’s wallet. With that said, a simple answer in this specific regard is that neither of the two is exactly better than the other.

Both House of Prime Rib and Lawry’s have been around for multiple decades now. They’ve earned lots of praise, awards, and even thousands of loyal customers within this time. Along with all of this, they’ve also earned trust and reputation.

With this comes price tags much bigger than those you’ll see at the average restaurant. Both of them are expensive options quite similar to one another, although either one can occasionally get the advantage over the other when there are seasonal deals/events going on.


When people get down to eating somewhere, they’ll obviously want to have a lot of different options put in front of them so that they can try out what sounds/looks best to them. With this said, the comparison between the two is a little too one sided in this department.

Lawry’s is known best for their prime rib, but there’s actually a lot of other products available in their selection too. This includes many different kinds of main courses and deals which are one can see in their menu.

However, the same cannot be said for the House of Prime Rib. As the name of the franchise very clearly states, the House of Prime Rib puts a big focus on prime ribs, so big that it is in fact their only focus.

So sure, while there are all kinds of different flavours available, there isn’t any true variety of sort available for selection since the brand only deals in one kind of main dish. There are different variants to it, but in the end it’s essentially the same thing with only a few minor tweaks in flavour.


The last and perhaps the most important aspect of all that we’ll be comparing between these two is taste. This is also the most controversial aspect, as lots of people have many opposing views on this which leads to big debates among loyal fans of both franchises. While taste is completely up to one’s own personal preference, most will agree that it’s the House of Prime Rib which is superior in this regard.

Both brands have their own specialty and specific dishes that are better for certain reasons. But, generally speaking, the House of Prime Rib offers a much better selection of steaks when it comes to taste. Their steaks are usually much better prepared, cooked in the most traditional of ways to give them a perfect feel which is almost without flaw. Lawry’s is usually great too, but pales in comparison at times.