
Quick BBQ Burger Sauce Recipe

bbq burger sauce recipe

Instantly make all your burgers much more delicious with this BBQ sauce recipe that you can prepare in just a few minutes!



You’ll need to combine a few different spices and other ingredients to make this sauce. Here’s a list of what exactly you’re going to need so you can get started:

  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons of ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard paste
  • Salt, as per taste
  • Black pepper, as per taste
  • 1/2 tablespoon Paprika powder
  • 1 lemon, squeezed
  • 1 tablespoon of chilli sauce

These are all the ingredients you’re going to need for this simple recipe!


Have everything set? That’s great! Now just follow these few and easy steps to make some BBQ sauce at home that’ll make all your burgers and other favourite meals even better!

  1. Mix The First Sauces: Most of the ingredients are just sauces and spices, and the main goal is the mix them all together. But even with that, you should go in a specific order to make sure the BBQ sauce comes as good as possible. With that said, start by putting 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise in a bowl. Follow this up with 2 tablespoons of ketchup and exactly 1 tablespoon of mustard. Now mix these all together using a spoon until it becomes a golden-coloured paste of sorts.mix sauces
  2. Add Spices: Now that the base sauces are there, you can start adding some spices on top of the mixture to really bring the flavour out. Start with as much salt as you would like. I usually use a teaspoon of it, but you can add more or less depending on your preferences. The same goes for black pepper powder, which you can add as per your taste. Then there’s paprika, which you need to add ½ tablespoons of.add salt to sauce
  3. Add Lemon Juice and Mix: Squeeze out one large lemon’s worth of lemon juice, and pour it on the mixture. After that, grab a spoon and start stirring so the spices from earlier and the lemon juice mix with the sauces from the first step.add lemon juice to sauce
  4. Add Chilli Sauce and Mix: You’re already nearly done with the recipe! All you need to do now is add 1 tablespoon of chilli sauce into the mixture (you can also add more or less chili sauce, depending on how spicy you want the BBQ sauce to be). Once the chilli sauce is in there, stir it all together one last time until you can tell it is mixed well.add chili sauce to sauce
  5. Apply On Your Favourite Foods and Enjoy!: The sauce is now ready! You can put it on your burgers or any other foods you like, or just serve it on the side for anyone that wants some. These were the few easy steps you needed to follow for the recipe, and now you can enjoy the delicious BBQ sauce you made.serve bbq sauce


  • Now, I know you might be thinking: “why not just use regular BBQ sauce instead of using all these ingredients to make it myself?”. Well, the answer lies in the taste. Sure, store-bought BBQ sauce tastes good too.
  • But, I’m sure that a lot of you are going to enjoy this a lot more. Plus, it’s a healthier alternative compared to the chemicals and processed ingredients you’ll find in store-bought products.
  • So, get everything ready if you’re interested in making some BBQ sauce at home, and I’ll walk you through the instructions you need to follow for it!


Keywords: bbq burger sauce recipe

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