
A Tasty Cream Chicken Recipe You’ll Love

tasty cream chicken recipe

Make some delicious chicken right at home with this easy recipe that’ll fill you up and leave everyone wanting second servings!


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You don’t need too much to follow my recipe for creamy chicken. It’s pretty straightforward, and all you’re going to need is…

  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 250 grams of boneless chicken, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 1/2 cup of diced carrots
  • 1/2 cup of diced onions
  • 1/2 cup of boiled peas
  • 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup of chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1/4 cup of cream
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper

And that’s all! While that may look like a long list, all of the ingredients here are highly common in most homes.


Just like it’s easy enough to find the ingredients enough, it’s easy to follow the steps to this recipe. Just do as I’ve detailed here, and you’ll have a great meal by the end of it! Here’s the list of steps you have to follow, in full order:

  1. Cook The Chicken: Heat up a pot on the stove and toss 2 tablespoons of butter inside it. When the butter melts, place 250 grams of chopped, boneless chicken on top. Keep cooking it on both sides until they turn white. Then, you can set the chicken aside and move on with the next parts of the recipe.cook the chicken for cream chicken
  2. Chop and Cook The Vegetables: Grab carrots, onions, and peas to prepare them for cooking. Set ½ cup of peas to boil, and chop the other two vegetables while that happens. Make sure that you cut up enough carrots and onions to fill ½ cup of each. By the time you do that, the peas will also be boiled. Once that happens and all the vegetables are ready, add 2 tablespoons of oil in the same pot as the last step and cook the vegetables inside it for 3-4 minutes.cook these vegetables
  3. Add Flour and Mix: The next step is much shorter and easier. All you have to do is to fill ¼ of a cup with all-purpose flour, and toss it on the vegetables. Then, mix it all together until you can tell that the vegetables are covered with flour.add all purpose flour
  4. Add Chicken Stock and Cook: You’re already done with a good chunk of the recipe. Now what you need to do is to pour ½ cup of chicken stock inside of the pot with all your vegetables. After doing that, grab a wooden spoon and just mix everything together. Then, you can leave the ingredients to cook for 3-4 minutes.add chicken stock for cream chicken
  5. Add Milk, Cream and Mix: Once the 3-4 minutes have passed, you can move on to the next step. That means you need to add ½ cup of milk and ¼ cup of cream in the pot. These are what’ll make the chicken so juicy, creamy, and straight up delicious. So, add them and mix everything very gently for a while. Make sure that you stir long enough for the milk and cream to mix, so that it forms a smooth texture.add milk to dish
  6. Add Spices and Mix: Now’s the part where you can add salt and black pepper to bring out the flavor of the recipe. Add exactly 1 teaspoon of each spice, and then stir the pot yet again. You can also add other spices to the recipe if you would prefer, especially if you like spicier foods. It won’t change the recipe drastically, and you can experiment with it safely. Just make sure you don’t add too much of any spice as that’ll ruin the taste.add spices to dish
  7. Cook the Chicken Inside: Now you can finally put the chicken you cooked earlier inside of the pot. Just put it inside and let it cook for 4-5 minutes at least, so everything settles in together. While doing this, make sure that you stir regularly so that the mixture doesn’t burn, and all the ingredients are spread out instead of being in individual places. After that, you can finally serve the creamy chicken and enjoy!creamy chicken


  • You should already have most of the list lying around in your kitchen, and getting the rest should be easy as these things are easily available in any good store.
  • So, get it all together so you can make a meal that’ll impress you, and everyone else you serve it too!


Keywords: creamy chicken recipe

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