
Tasty Spinach Knorr Dip Recipe

spinach knorr dip recipe

If you’re a fan of spinach, try out this great spinach dip recipe that’ll give all your favourite meals a nice, spinach-like hint.



You don’t need too many ingredients for this recipe. It’s only a handful of things, and even they’re not that big in quantity. So, check if you have these things with you, and we can get started with making spinach dip at home:

  • 3 eggs, full boiled
  • 1/2 cup of spinach, chopped
  • 1/4 cups of green onions, chopped
  • 1/2 cup of mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup of green yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable mix powder


Once you have everything, you’ve already done the hardest part. The rest is really easy, especially if you just follow what I’ve highlighted in these steps below:

  1. Full Boil 3 Eggs: The first step is to fully boil 3 eggs. You need the egg whites from these, and they need to be boiled to match the texture of other ingredients in the dip. Make sure that they’re full boiled and not half-boiled, and then peel the shells off. After that, you can move to the next step.boil 3 eggs
  2. Scoop The Yolk Out: You only need the egg whites, and not the yellows. That means once you’re done peeling the shells and the eggs are ready, the next step is to get rid of the yolk. To do this, make a cut across the middle of the boiled egg. Then, use the knife or a spoon to scoop the yolk out and place it in a bowl. Do this for all three of the boiled eggs. What you do with the yolk is up to you. I find them delicious so I might eat them up while making the dip, or you can just put them in the fridge.scooping yolk
  3. Cut Egg Whites: Use a knife to cut the egg whites you just prepared into small cubes. Make sure that they’re diced into small pieces. The pieces don’t have to be even or anything. Just small enough that they easily mix in with the dip and don’t make it all chunky.cut egg whites
  4. Mix All Your Ingredients Together: You’re already nearly done! All you need to do now is to mix all your ingredients together in a bowl. Start by putting ½ cups of spinach in there, followed by ¼ cups of green onions. After those two, you can dump the egg whites you cut up earlier in the bowl too. Then pour half a cup of Greek yogurt and mayonnaise each inside the bowl. Finally, all that’s left to do is to sprinkle 2 tablespoons of the vegetable mix powder on top.start mixing
  5. Mix and Serve: Now that all your ingredients are together in one bowl, grab a wooden spoon and start mixing as well as you can. Keep going at it for a few minutes with a gentle but firm hand to make sure the dip turns out smooth, and all the ingredients gel with each other.
    After that, you’re all done with the recipe! Your vegetable mix spinach dip is ready, and you can serve it immediately! Plus, if there’s any left over, you can easily store it in the fridge for later use without having to worry about it going bad anytime soon.spinach knorr dip


  • Do you have everything you need, or need a quick shopping trip to catch up? Either way, I’m not going anywhere.
  • Well, at least this post isn’t. So take your time to gather the ingredients above, and we’ll get started as soon as you’re ready!


Keywords: spinach knorr dip recipe