
A Delicious Oreo Cake You Can Make With Just 4 Ingredients

oreo cake recipe

Who isn’t a fan of Oreos? They taste so good, and they come in pretty much any sweet flavor you could think of. Here’s an easy way to cook your favorite cake!



You’re going to need the ingredients list before you can follow any instructions. Unlike most ofl my other recipes, the ingredients list for this one is going to be a super short one, since that’s the whole idea of this recipe. That said, here’s what you’re going to need, and how much of it:

  • 28 Oreo Cookies
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 1/2 Cup of Milk
  • 250 Grams of Baking Chocolate


There aren’t a lot of ingredients in this recipe (you get the idea by now), and because of that, there aren’t many steps either! This delicious dessert is as easy to make as it is to gather the ingredients for it. Here’s what you need to do once you’ve got everything on you:

  1. Take the Cream Off the Oreos: The first step of the recipe is to get 28 oreos and take the cream off from between them. For that, you’ll have to split apart each individual Oreo cookie and scrape the cream off using a knife or a spoon. Then, put all the cream in one bowl and all the separated biscuits into another one. This is probably the hardest part of the entire recipe. And no, not because it’s tedious to scrape cream off of cookies or anything. No no, it’s just the hardest because cookies like that are near impossible to resist eating when they’re sitting in front of you. But, try to do what I do and stop yourself from eating by keeping in mind that you’ll get a yummy reward for your patience at the end.separate oreo cream
  2. Crush The Biscuits: Now you’re going to have to do a very hurtful thing… which is crushing a bunch of Oreos inside the blender to grind them into dust. Unfortunately that’s a necessary evil for this recipe, since you can’t put the whole biscuits in there and expect them to work in the cake. Okay, I’ll stop being dramatic now and just get on with the recipe. There should be 56 separated biscuits if you managed to resist eating any in the last step. Put all of these in the blender (at once or in intervals, depending on what suits you), and crush them up until they’re entirely powder-like.crush oreo biscuits
  3. Add Baking Powder and Cream to Crushed Oreos: Once the Oreos are all crushed, you can put them in a deep bowl so that it’s easier to mix other ingredients with them. Speaking of which, add 1 teaspoon of baking powder to the bowl you put the Oreos in, and whisk it all together. Then, get the bowl with the Oreo cream and dump all of it into the bowl too.add baking powder and cream
  4. Add Milk and Mix: With the baking powder mixed and the Oreo cream on top, get ½ cup of milk and pour most of it on top of the cream. Now whisk everything together until it’s well mixed before adding the rest of the milk and whisking that too. You’ll be done with this step once the mixture becomes a nice-smelling, thick, chocolaty cream.add milk to oreo mix
  5. Pre-Heat Oven: Start pre-heating your oven so that it can be ready for use as soon as possible. Make sure that it can heat for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees celsius, after which it’ll be ready for use. In the mean-time, you can use those 15 minutes to put the creamy mixture from the last step into a baking tray. Once you do that, make sure to adjust the cream inside your baking tray so that it’s well-divided and spread throughout the whole thing. That’s how to make sure the cake has a good shape.preheat oven
  6. Bake The Cake: This step pretty much speaks for itself. All you have to do is put the baking tray inside once the oven is done pre-heating. Bake the Oreo mixture for about 10 minutes and then it’ll be all ready to take out of the oven!bake cake
  7. Melt and Add Chocolate: Get the 250 grams of baking chocolate (or chocolate bar, depending on what you ended up choosing), and melt it up. A few seconds in the microwave should do the trick for that. Then, pour this melted chocolate all over the cake until it’s covered for an even sweeter and chocolaty taste. Other than that, you can crush up some more Oreos and sprinkle those on top for added texture. After all this, the cake is ready to serve!add toppings and serve


  • If you aren’t a fan of how baking chocolate tastes, don’t worry. You can use 250 grams of pretty much any chocolate of your choice too! That part of the recipe is just for the topping. The other stuff on the list really can’t be substituted, and it doesn’t need to be anyway because you can find those things anywhere!
  • So, you can get any chocolate bars of your choice and melt them instead as long as its the right amount. That might make the cake even yummier for you if it’s a brand of chocolate you like!
  • With all that said, those are the only things you’re going to need for the whole recipe! Using just these few things, I’m going to tell you how to make a delicious little cake you’re sure to enjoy.


Keywords: oreo cake recipe

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